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Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Do you know, what is the fastest animal on earth?

Do you know, what is the fastest animal on earth? If we're talkingabout the fastest animal on earth, then we often associate with thecheetah, big cat species that live on the plains of Africa.Presumably this cat speed average of about 70 mph (114 km / h).However, do you know that the fastest animal is actually held by abird called The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) with speedever recorded is 390 km / h (242.3 mph)! Compare with the highest speed ever achieved by F1 race car that only the range of370 km / h (229mph)! Animals that have a population spread across the continent except Antarctica is starting threatened with extinction due to habitat destruction where they lived by humanactivity. Let's keep the kelestrian animals, by keeping their habitats.

source: http: \ \

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