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Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Austrian tennis player Daniel Koellerer, Condemned to Life

LONDON, - Tennis players from Austria, DanielKoellerer, received a life sentence should not appear in the arena of professional tennis. According to the Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU),Tuesday (31/05/2011), Koellerer involved in match-fixing scandal.

Under the Uniform Tennis Anti-Corruption Programme, the 27-year-old tennis player, ranked 385 of the world, and never reachedthe position-55 or the highest of his career in 2009 was found guiltyon three charges, including "designing or trying to design theoutcome of an event" .

"lifetime ban takes effect immediately, and means Mr Koellerer not eligible to participate in tournaments or competitions organized orapproved by the governing body of professional tennis," the statement TIU.

Koellerer, who was also fined $ 100,000, has the right to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

For information, TIU was established by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the ATP and WTA Tours to protect the sportof corruption and gambling scandals. All players must beregistered with the program (Uniform Tennis Anti-CorruptionProgramme).

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